Wednesday 13 June 2007

'Ello! Luv

When I was setting up this blog, it turned out that someone else has the blog address "www.jackandjosephine" (

That was interesting, so I went to take a look and indeed! There are Jack and Josephine who are, it appears, about 1 and 3 and like to slide on the slide at the park. JackandJosephine is a very informative blog from their proud mum, Gretchen Lewis, who calls Jack "The Cutest Boy in the Whole World". Mildly odd: they have a new brother named Eddie. Weren't you going to call Brian 'Eddie' for one brief moment? Ah Parallel Universes.

Well. This blog, our blog, "www.josephineandjack", will not be about the thrills of walking, toddling, sliding, duckies, or fire trucks, but will, instead, be notes to you, our very own J and J, in order to post photos more easily and up-date you on your what we're up to, which...hmm...that's odd... actually does include a lot of walking and features The Cutest Boy in the Whole World , now that you mention it. Also, there may be duckies. Stay tuned.

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